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Livonia (Livonia) nodiplicata … Giant…350 mm F+++ /Gem

Exceptional volute… really uncommon to get nowadays a such good quality for a so big exemplar This one is  strongly coloured, unfortunately it’s a few months or so from having a fully mature lip edge. Fully formed, full size and absolutely stunning to look at and lip edge is solid, but just not fully mature. It is extremely rare to find them so perfectly clean, without damage and erosion, mature and natural lips and siphon canals…. really a lovely pattern…Very big specimen,  heavy and close to be mature with excellent colour. … 

Categories: , Size : 350 mm F+++ /Gem Author : Cox, 1910 Region : Australia Region : AustraliaRef : #12446

Australia , South coast of western Australia…. Albany …. Trawled 75-90m on sand at night …

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<<< Exceptional size and pattern >>>