Certainement la forme de cribraria la plus rare d Australie…. / Certainly the rarest form of cribraria from Australia…
Australie QLD .Baie de Moreton,Ile de Stradbroke, Amity point… pechee dans 4/6 metres de fond sous des rochers..
Australia QLD. Moreton Bay, Amity Point , .Dived in 4/6 meters deep under a rock.
Tres rare cypraea rarement proposee, celle si a ete trouvee dans le Queensland contrairement a la plus part qui viennent du NSW..Compte tenu de sa taille nous avons la un mâle de cette espece…. Superbe couleur / Very rare cypraea rarely offer for sale.That one was collected in Queensland… as most of them come from NSW..Regarding the size, we have here a male of that specie…. Superb color ..