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Virroconus dorreensis 37.21 mm F+++

Categories: , Author : Péron, F., 1807 Size : 37.21 mm F+++ Region : Australia Ref : #7867

Conus endemique d’ Australie de l ouest / Endemic conus from Western Australia

Australie de l Ouest. Broome, peche a maree basse au milieu d herbes et sable sous des rochers..

Australia West. Broome, in sand and weeds under rocks at low tide.

Un des seul cone au monde interessant a garder avec son periostracum… si non il est tout blanc… / One of the only cone in the world who have an interest to be preserved with his periostracum … With out that it will be completly white..

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Péron, F., 1807

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