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Monetaria caputserpentis aruni … 27.1 mm Gem

Categories: , , Author : Lorenz 2017 Size : 27.1 mm Gem Region : IndonesiaRef : #7322

Superbe caputserpentis  … selectionnee pour son bandeau largement plus large que celles qu on voit habituellement. … TOP piece …. / Superb caputserpentis   … Very selected … with a strip much wider than the ones we usually see…. TOP shell…

Indonesie.. Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi . Pechee a maree basse sur le recif sous les rochers …

Indonesia…Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi.  Collected at low tide on the reef under rocks…



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Lorenz 2017

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<<< Interesting red banded >>>